Body Image

Each week in our groups we end with worship and prayer ministry. This time is to create space for God to show us how He wants to minister to others through us. Two weeks ago, we began this time of prayer ministry, and I asked God if He wanted me to minister to anyone. He immediately highlighted my friend who was having a tough week. Then, just as God highlighted him God said don’t go alone. God then highlighted a woman who I’ve done ministry with before to bring along. So, I tapped each of them on the shoulder and asked them to come with me to one of the breakout rooms to pray. They were ready to go. I later found out from the woman that God had laid this guy on her heart too and she was already planning on offering him prayer! We went into the breakout room and my friend shared where he was at spiritually and emotionally and how he desired to feel loved and to be pursued. I prayed for him, he prayed, but after a while God had me ask the other woman that was with us if God was leading her to pray anything. So, I asked her if God had showed her anything and she said Yes! She then went on to share with the guy that he was looking for other people to pursue him but it was God that has been pursuing him and wanting to love him and fill that void in him all along! He was undone by what she shared and so met by God right where he was that night.
Then this past week almost the same thing happened. We began worship and prayer ministry and I just keep my eyes open for whomever God might lead me to. I glance over one of the guys in the group and God says, go pray for him, but don’t go alone. He immediately highlights a woman sitting nearby that has been in the group a long while who has really learned to move with the Spirit. So, I go ask her and him to join me in a break out room for prayer. Then the guy begins to share how exhausting work and life have been and how he feels like it’s just one thing after another and it never ends. I begin sharing what God has shown me for the guy numerous times before about listening to God and living in truth versus believing the lies that he is hearing. But then God gives the woman insight into the specific lie that has been spoken over him most of his life that he doesn’t have what it takes and that he’s hopeless. He is stuck by this revelation and shares how this is what he has been spoken over him his entire life. Then she and I pray over him God’s affirming identity as a child of the most high, worthy of love, an heir to the Kingdom, and that in Christ He has what it takes. He emotionally expressed that he was touched, grateful, and very encouraged.
These examples show that each of us are needed, every part of the Body. We aren’t meant to rely on any one person, we are all meant to rely on God through His unifying Holy Spirit as He expresses Himself through the Body of Christ. The different roles and gifts God has given us reflect the fullness of who He is. Let each of us create the space to listen to God’s Holy Spirit, allowing Him to move and minister through us to others.
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
Romans 12:4-6a

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